The only problem with recruiting is, it tends to be both an art and science. The gray area in between is where companies and recruiters are challenged to wade into biases and tackle the inherent issues, sometimes before knowing what they don’t know … Clear as mud? The Avanti People and Culture team jumped right into the pit, ready and willing to get their hands dirty and learn along the way.
Hiring quotas are becoming an option for companies eager to tackle DEI in a measurable action-first process, but hiring by quota doesn’t necessarily fit every founder, team, or community’s vision. So how do you hire without biases and still measure success?
Through their recruitment strategy, the team set out to create a series of hiring practices that:
Cast the widest net of potential candidates possible
Purposely did not implement a hiring quota
Aimed to make every job posting salary transparent to reduce nepotism or negotiations favoring inherent biases
Took a hard look at hiring questions and processes that carry bias and rewrote the interview scripts
Acknowledged that knowing they needed to make changes and beginning this process is not half the batter - each year Avanti aim to learn and improve their recruiting with bias processes
Standardization and process are often seen as the antidote to innovation, but Avanti sees this a little differently. Supported by leaders with a vision that embodies learning, equity, and accountability, the Avanti People & Culture team developed a unique approach where standardization can be used for good.